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Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh, Salam Sejahtera, Salam Malaysia Madani and a very good evening.

Distinguished guests, Ladies and Gentlemen


  1. Thank you for the warm welcome to the 8th Global Higher Education Forum 2023 (GHEF 2023) with its theme, “Equity Recovery – Higher Education in the Post- Pandemic Era”.
  1. It is an honour to participate in this esteemed forum which has been a significant platform for discussing the future of higher education both nationally and globally since its inception in 2007.

GHEF2023 Highlights

  1. The highlights of GHEF 2023 that include – digital divide and inclusion, talent and employability, financial and socioeconomic standings, and teaching and learning policies and practices – will provide thorough grasp of the present situation and pave new paths for higher education.
  1. In relation to this year’s themes and sub -themes, GHEF2023 was a great platform for addressing the challenges within the higher education system and advancing equity recovery discussions in the post-pandemic era.
  1. The GHEF2023 brought together experts to discuss strategies for accelerating the development of higher education with a strong emphasis on equity GHEF2023 forum participants collectively generated ideas and recommendations tp reshape higher education for a brighter future both at national and global levels.

Distinguished guests, Ladies and Gentlemen


  1. Our country is committed to ensuring equitable access in order to provide quality education for all regardless of students’ race, ethnicity, gender, socioeconomic status and other demographic differences.
  1. We recognise the importance of giving equal support and resources to ensure all students succeed.

Forum Outcomes

  1. I believe this forum has provided valuable insights for the past two days; we have been exposed to diverse voices and perspectives from different regions, disciplines and sectors in addressing complex issues faced by higher education, and at the same time exploring new approaches to teaching and learning that can create a meaningful and equitable learning experiences.
  1. Moreover, I am enthusiastic about the potential collaborations and networks that have taken place throughout the forum.
  1. By sharing best practices, experiences, and initiatives, we can accelerate higher education development for sustainable and equitable This is significant for the entire global community, not just for any specific nation.
  1. I also look forward to the implementation of the policy and best practice ideas and guidelines that were shared during this forum.
  1. As the Deputy Minister of Higher Education, I am eager to learn from the insights and recommendations of the experts and practitioners in this forum.
  1. I believe that together, we can prioritise the policies and practices that will hasten higher education development and contribute to the sustainable and equitable recovery in the education system.


  1. We all know that the COVID-19 pandemic has affected many aspects of our lives, including the higher education.
  1. The closure of campuses, the shift to remote learning, and the economic uncertainties have affected the higher education ecosystem across the globe.
  1. Nevertheless, we have seen resilience, creativity, and innovation of the higher education community in responding to these challenges.
  1. I truly express my gratitude to the entire team behind GHEF 2023 for bringing together stakeholders from academia, government, industry, and society to share their expertise and perspectives on the newest prospects and challenges in the post-pandemic era.
  1. I am certain that the Ministry of Higher Education, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Education Malaysia Global Services along with all the collaborators have forged a strong collaboration in successfully organising GHEF2023. I hope this collaboration will continue and become stronger in the future.
  1. Congratulations to all the stakeholders for their hard work, commitment, and dedication in making GHEF2023 a success.
  1. I also would like to thank the steering and working committee for their tireless efforts in organising this international level forum.
  1. With Bismillahirrahmanirrahim, I take this opportunity to announce that the 8th Global Higher Education Forum (GHEF2023) is officially closed.
  1. We hope to meet all of you again in the next Global Higher Education Forum in 2025!

Thank you.

Muat Turun:

pdf YBTM Closing Remarks 8th Global Higher Education Forum 2023 (GHEF 2023).pdf (189 KB)

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