Information Request
The Ministry, through the Data Seksyen, BPPD KPT provides data sharing services to the public. The data categories involved are:-
1. | Category A (Data is general and simple) | This category includes data and information of general interest, usually disseminated by UPDs through publications or electronically. For example, data published in the Malaysian Higher Education Statistics Book, Basic Education Information Leaflet, Quick Facts or the Higher Education Indicator Trend Book. |
2. | Category B (Complex but general data) | This category of data requires longer analysis and a deeper understanding of the data, sometimes requiring adequate statistical knowledge. This form of data and information is commonly required by government agencies such as EPU, DOSM, MAMPU, foreign agencies, researchers from within and outside the country, state governments and statutory bodies. |
3. | Category C (Confidential Data and Restricted Information) | This category of data contains sensitive elements such as religion, race, ethnicity and other information that has been classified as sensitive. This data is usually shared between government agencies as deemed appropriate and not shared with non-governmental parties. Use of this data is limited ONLY as stated in the purpose of the application. |
4. |
Category D (Confidential Data and Information) |
Data in this category contains personal information such as name, identity card number, residential address, telephone number, CGPA and others that are subject to the Personal Data Protection Act 2010. |
*Category C and D data may not be submitted to any researcher, student, public or private party.
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