
Information related to core services provided by the Ministry of Higher Education (MOHE) and its agencies to students, institutions and ministry staff

Graduates Reference Hub for Employment and Training (GREaT)

A one-stop information hub on graduate employability programmes and Initiatives. Services include the following:

  1. Application for Pelan Jana Semula Ekonomi Negara (PENJANA) Career Advancement Programme known as PENJANA-KPT CAP IPTA dan IPTS:
    A skills enhancement initiative which offers three programmes: Place and Train, entrepreneurial and gig economy. The PENJANA KPT-CAP is a government initiative in addressing the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on graduate employability.

  2. Graduate Tracer Study:
    A yearly study carried out by MoHE to determine graduates’ employment status and destination after the completion of their study. The Graduate Tracer Study seeks to inquire graduates’ opinions about their course/programme, facilities and services at their respective higher educational institutions.

    The survey is conducted online through the following:

    • Graduate Tracer Study System 1 (SKPG 1): for public universities, private higher educational institutions and other non-TVET higher educational institutions;
    • TVET Graduate Tracer Study System (SKPG-TVET): for public skills training institution; and
    • Graduate Tracer Study System 2.0: for graduates to update their work status at any time
  3. Graduate Employability Search:
    This search is for the public to obtain credible information regarding the employability of new graduates at higher educational institutions and public skills training institutes in the country. The employability rate includes graduates who are already working/upgrading their skills and waiting for job placements within 6 months after graduating.

  4. Directory of PhD and Honorary Degrees:
    A Registry of PhD holders and Honorary Degree recipients made available for public viewing.

  5. E-Profiling:
    Online self-evaluation of career interests and inclinations.

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