e-Participation Policy

This policy aims to initiate a culture and practice of public participation in order to increase transparency and integrity in improving the quality of services offered by the Ministry of Higher Education (MOHE).

MOHE always recognizes public engagement to enable the Ministry to explore broader perspectives, sources of information, and potential solutions to improve results and services. It also provides the foundation for productive relationships, better dialogue and discussion, and orderly governance.

The objective of this participation is to involve the people in the development policy and decision-making process through the use of information and communication technology.

Therefore, MOHE warmly welcomes participation by complying with the terms and conditions of participation that have been set as follows:

  1. Any statement that touches on racial, religious and political sensitivities is strictly prohibited.
  2. It is prohibited to insult, personally attack & issue statements that may offend other participants.
  3. Control your statements, avoid uttering abusive and nationalistic language.
  4. It is not recommended to chat or post sentences that run away from the main topic.
  5. Topics and links to PORN websites are strictly PROHIBITED.
  6. Make sure your statement/topic does not violate the rules of ‘COPYRIGHT LAW’, ‘TRADEMARK’, ‘PATENT’ and others.
  7. DO NOT use this entry space as a place to run any contest, pyramid scheme, get rich quick scheme, internet money scheme, chain letter, junk e-mail either commercially or otherwise.
  8. It is not allowed to upload files that contain computer viruses such as "Trojan Horses" virus, "worms", "time bombs", "cancel boots" or any software or programs that can damage the operation of a another user's computer.
  9. The administrator of the participation column in any circumstances does not confirm, support, represent or guarantee any truth, accuracy or reliability of any statement/topic made in this column. The individual himself should understand that any risk regarding the reliability of a material in this column is borne by the individual himself.
  10. The administrator of the entry space reserves the right to amend and delete any statement/topic at any time without informing the author of the statement/topic.
  11. The administrator of the entry space reserves the right to amend this Entry Policy and Guidelines at any time without any announcement/notice.
  12. As a participant or issuing a statement in this entry column, you are bound by the terms and conditions of the Entry Guidelines.
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  • Hits: 31121
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Last Modified: Tuesday 14 January 2025, 09:16:54.
