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22 Ogos 2024 (Khamis)


Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh, Salam Sejahtera dan 

Salam Malaysia MADANI.


Tuan-tuan dan puan-puan,

1. Pertamanya, sukalah saya melafazkan setinggi-tinggi kesyukuran ke hadrat ALLAH SWT kerana dengan limpah kurnia dan keizinan-Nya, maka dapat kita bersama-sama berkumpul di Majlis Perasmian Persidangan ESG Global Young Leaders Summit 2024.

2. Terlebih dahulu, saya ingin merakamkan ucapan terima kasih tidak terhingga kepada Universiti Malaysia Terengganu (UMT) dan Yang Berbahagia Naib Canselor, Profesor Ts. Dr. Mohd Zamri Ibrahim atas kesudian menjemput saya bagi menyempurnakan majlis yang sangat bermakna ini. Walaupun ini merupakan kehadiran saya buat kali kedua ke UMT pada tahun ini, namun saya berasa sangat teruja untuk hadir ke satu-satunya universiti yang berteraskan maritim di Malaysia.

3. Lebih-lebih lagi, penganjuran Persidangan ESG Global Young Leaders Summit 2024 ini adalah julung-julung kali diadakan. Pada kesempatan ini juga, saya mewakili Kementerian Pendidikan Tinggi (KPT) ingin mengucapkan tahniah kepada kepada UMT khususnya, Bahagian Hal Ehwal Pelajar dan Alumni (HEPA), iaitu di bawah kepemimpinan Profesor Dr. Mohd Izani bin Mohd Zain, Timbalan Naib Canselor (Hal Ehwal Pelajar dan Alumni) atas kejayaan menganjurkan Persidangan ESG Global Young Leaders Summit 2024 ini.

4. Saya percaya untuk menganjurkan program yang berimpak tinggi ini dengan penyertaan dan sokongan daripada pelbagai pihak, ia memerlukan perancangan rapi, dedikasi dan komitmen tinggi daripada semua. Marilah sama-sama kita berikan satu tepukan gemuruh kepada Jawatankuasa ESG 2024, penganjur bersama, penaja, rakan strategik industri, peserta dan semua yang terlibat dalam menjayakan persidangan ini.

Ladies and gentlemen,

Allow me to continue my speech in English.


5. As announced by the Association of Southeast Asian Nations or ASEAN, Malaysia has been appointed as the Chair of ASEAN beginning year of 2025 until 2030. In line with this appointment, three (3) main focuses have been assigned which are to overcome challenges in the aspects of safety and politics, economy and sociocultural.

6. In these matters, I would like to emphasise on threats on safety which are no longer visible as physical war. Yet, this threat presents in the most unconventional form such as environmental sustainability, global warming, climate changes, pollutions and deterioration of biodiversity sources.

7. Thus, we are in dire need of a such strategic and sustainable approach for overcoming these threats accordingly. Relatively, we have been introduced to Sustainable Development Goals or SDG as we all known it for.

8. Ministry of Higher Education Malaysia is steadfast upholding the aspirations of SDGs. As of May 2024, the ministry has coordinated 286 national programs related to SDGs which organized via all Malaysia’s public universities and involves 16,547 students as the participants nationwide.


Fellow Guests,

9. Rising global awareness towards sustainable issues has prompted us to ESG or (Environmental, Social and Governance). ESG is an initiative to spearhead integrated efforts for sustainability that involves crucial aspects like social and governance.

10. ESG has been long practiced in the industry and corporate sectors, and it is now very much relevant to be implemented amongst and instilled within especially students at higher education level. They will complete their studies and soon will join the industry or corporate world to pursue their dream carreers.

11. Therefore, all higher education institution is urged to play such important role in making ESG a successful mission. Timely exposure of ESG mission will be beneficial to our students in ensuring awareness, to experience and instilling positive values, as the Malay proverb that goes “melentur buluh biarlah dari rebungnya”. Which means when we want to mold or build a character, then it is best done since their young age.

12. ESG Global Young Leaders Summit 2024 is in line with UMT’s marine niche area. ESG 2024 has been regarded as an appropriate platform to bring together global young leaders who will address issues and share ideas on current environmental sustainability, global warming, climate change, pollution, and biodiversity degradation.

13. ESG 2024 produces advocators, which refers to our conscious and responsible students who will hand in hand spreading advocacies and awareness in protecting the environmental sustainability.

14. This group of advocators too will bring together the youths and public about the importance of protecting and preserving the environmental. This is accordance with students’ empowerment agenda which is uphold by the Ministry of Higher Education (MOHE) as we want the students to actively voice and move as the agent of change among the society.

15. This summit shall be regards as a platform to nurture and foster the spirit of commonality and collegiality among our young leaders in higher education institutions especially in highlighting global sustainability agenda. The force among these sustainability activists will shake and make changes to the world for it to be a better place for our future generation.


Ladies and Gentlemen,

16. Organizing a seminar with a “nature” theme is very relevant to the marine focus of Universiti Malaysia Terengganu. I am confident that this program will leave a significant repercussion on the young leaders attending today.

17. Their boundless network will spread awareness and responsibility about Environmental, Social, and Governance issues. The positive values shared will elevate them as “sustainability advocates,” agents who will spread awareness to peers, organizations, and society.

18. These positive values will continue to spread as they undergo their industrial training or during their career development in the future.

19. By implication, participants in this ESG seminar will be recognized as “ESG Ambassadors,” with aspiration, upon returning to university, our esteemed participants can organize further awareness programs and activities.

20. As university students, we should play the role of “Young Leaders.” The institutions also have a role in empowering young leadership in the global sustainability agenda through engagement and international networking. Here, at this summit, holds the opportunity and capacity for us to share ideas on environmental sustainability, global warming, climate change, pollution, and biodiversity degradation.

21. By organizing this wonderful summit, UMT helped to make one of the vision and aspiration from Yang Berhormat Dato’ Seri Diraja Dr. Zambry bin Abd Kadir, Minister of Higher Education Malaysia which is focusing on “Nurturing Young Leaders” to be achieved, and that’s also on a global platform. UMT together with the Ministry has curated strategies in nurturing nations’ future leaders that is knowledgeable, structured and academically competent with high integrity and global features.


Ladies and Gentlemen

22. I am informed that by the end of ESG 2024, a Resolution shall be made and conveyed to the government regarding issues and strategies for executing ESG among young generation especially at the higher education institutions. I hope this Resolution will be the manifesto of the young generations for much effective sustainability issues. I will love to see the voice of our future leaders assembled here. Please inspire us.

23. Once again, congratulations to UMT for successfully involving private sectors and corporates in the ESG 2024. Collaborations and cooperations among RHB Islamic Bank Berhad, Perbadanan Tabung Pendidikan Tinggi Nasional (PTPTN), Yayasan Perkasa Siswa, Majlis Kepimpinan dan Latihan Universiti Awam (MAKLUM) along with media partner Astro Awani demonstrates strong supports from various stakeholders to elevate ESG issues as crucial agenda that needs to continue in the future.

24. The ministry encourage supports, cooperations and contributions from the corporate sectors as their commitment confers wider impact to the society and students in reaching global environmental revival goal. This shows that the Environmental, Social, and Governance issues attracts them for sharing ideas and exchange opinions.


25. As we are moving to the closing remarks, I would like to announce three good news to the participants. First, The top five (5) participants from ESG 2024 summit will receive support from RHB Islamic Bank Berhad. Secondly, 12 selected participants from each state will be offered a 3-days workshop in Kapas Island, Terengganu. Lastly, the selected top 3 Best Projects will receive grants worth of RM3,500.00 exclusively sponsored by the French Embassy Malaysia and Sustainable Ocean Alliance.

26. Before we conclude, thank you for inviting me to officiate and experience ESG 2024 together with our young and high-spirited future leaders.

27. With that, Bismillahirrahmannirrahim, in the name of Allah, the Most merciful and compassionate, I officiate the ESG Global Young Leaders Summit 2024.

Wabillahi taufiq wal hidayah wassalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh and
Salam Sejahtera.

Thank you.

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