YBM Saksi MoU Antara Sunway University & Cambridge University

YBM Saksi MoU Antara Sunway University & Cambridge University
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YB Datuk Seri Dr Noraini Ahmad, Menteri Pengajian Tinggi hari ini telah menyaksikan Majlis Menandatangani Memorandum Persefahaman (MoU) antara Cambridge University (CU) dan Sunway University (SU) melalui Jeffrey Cheah Foundation.

MoU ditandatangani oleh Prof Stephen Toope, Naib Canselor CU dan Prof Elizabeth Lee, Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif Sunway Education Group, bersama Prof. David Cardwell, Pro Naib Canselor CU dan Prof Sibrandes Poppema, Presiden SU.

MoU yang ditandatangani hari ini merupakan kesinambungan kerjasama yang telah terjalin sejak lebih 2 dekad yang lalu, termasuk pelantikan Felo Profesor Jeffrey Cheah di CU pada 2014.

Jalinan kerjasama antara CU dan SU juga telah membuktikan beberapa kejayaan strategik yang memanfaatkan Malaysia, seperti pelantikan Sunway sebagai Rakan Kongsi Tapak Serantau Pusat Penyelidikan Klinikal University of Cambridge, Persidangan Penyelidik ASEAN Sunway-Wolfson College CU, Simposia Biomedikal Cambridge-Oxford-Sunway dan penubuhan Jeffrey Cheah Biomedial Centre (JCBC) pada tahun 2019.

Ketika lawatan ke CU, YBM KPT dan delegasi telah mengunjungi JCBC dan menyaksikan usaha penyelidikan bertaraf dunia serta mendengar taklimat daripada pakar CU termasuk Prof Dr Nik Serena Zainal, penyelidik kanser tersohor yang berasal daripada Kelantan, Malaysia.

Adalah diharapkan kerjasama ini akan terus memanfaatkan negara ke arah masa depan yang mampan buat semua.

Turut hadir TKSU (Pengurusan & Pembangunan), KPPT dan Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif MQA.


YB Datuk Seri Dr Noraini Ahmad, Minister of Higher Education, today witnessed the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between Cambridge University (CU) and Sunway University (SU) through the Jeffrey Cheah Foundation.

The MoU was signed by Prof. Stephen Toope, CU Vice Chancellor and Prof. Elizabeth Lee, CEO of Sunway Education Group, together with Prof. David Cardwell, CU Pro-VC and Prof. Sibrandes Poppema, SU President.

The MoU marks the continuation of close collaboration forged over 2 decades ago between CU and SU, including the appointment of Jeffrey Cheah Professorial Fellows in 2014.

The collaboration between CU and SU have also produced various strategic successes for Malaysia, such as the appointment of Sunway as the CU Clinical Research Centre Regional Site Partner, the ASEAN Emerging Researchers Conference organised by SU-Wolfson College CU, the Cambridge-Oxford-Sunway Biomedical Symposium, and the establishment of the Jeffrey Cheah Biomedical Centre (JCBC) in 2019.

During the visit, Minister and delegation also visited the JCBC to witness cutting-edge world class research, and listened to briefings by CU’s experts including Prof Dr Nik Serena-Zainal, a world renowned cancer researcher who hails from Kelantan, Malaysia.

It is expected that this collaboration will continue to benefit Malaysia towards a more sustainable future for all.

Also in attendance were Deputy Sec-Gen (Management and Development), Director-General of Higher Education and MQA CEO.

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