
Information related to core services provided by the Ministry of Higher Education (MOHE) and its agencies to students, institutions and ministry staff


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Sukacita dimaklumkan bahawa tawaran biasiswa Turkiye Scholarships 2025 kini dibuka untuk warganegara Malaysia yang berminat untuk melanjutkan pelajaran di peringkat Ijazah Sarjana Muda, Ijazah Sarjana dan Ijazah Falsafah Kedoktoran.

2. Pelawaan ini dibuka kepada semua warganegara Malaysia berdasarkan kelayakan yang ditetapkan. Tarikh tutup permohonan adalah pada 20 Februari 2025. Maklumat lanjut berhubung biasiswa ini boleh dirujuk di pautan


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  • Hits: 279


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Biasiswa KPT
Dalam Perkhidmatan
  • Pasca Kedoktoran (Post Doctoral)

    Penajaan kepada pensyarah yang telah disahkan jawatan dan berkhidmat sekurang-kurangnya satu (1) tahun selepas dianugerahkan Ph.D dan dan tidak pernah mengikuti pengajian peringkat Pasca Kedoktoran. Program ini adalah bertujuan untuk menyokong pelaksanaan rancangan latihan sedia ada Universiti Awam.

    Maklumat Lanjut

  • Sub Kepakaran

    Penajaan kepada pensyarah yang telah disahkan jawatan dan berkhidmat sekurang-kurangnya satu (1) tahun selepas dianugerahkan Sarjana Kepakaran dan tidak pernah mengikuti pengajian peringkat Sub-Kepakaran. Program ini adalah bertujuan untuk menyokong pelaksanaan rancangan latihan sedia ada Universiti Awam.

    Maklumat Lanjut

  • Skim Latihan Akademik Bumiputera (SLAB)

    Penajaan kepada tenaga pengajar akademik Bumiputera bagi melanjutkan pengajian PhD atau setaraf secara sepenuh masa di universiti dalam atau luar negara. Program ini adalah bertujuan untuk meningkatkan mutu pendidikan di UA melalui pewujudan tenaga pengajar yang berpendidikan tinggi.

    Maklumat Lanjut

  • Skim Latihan Akademik IPTA (SLAI)

    Penajaan kepada tenaga pengajar akademik warganegara Malaysia bagi melanjutkan pengajian PhD atau setaraf secara sepenuh masa di universiti dalam atau luar negara. Program ini adalah bertujuan untuk meningkatkan mutu pendidikan di Universiti Awam melalui pewujudan tenaga pengajar yang berpendidikan tinggi.

    Maklumat Lanjut

  • Hadiah Latihan Persekutuan PPPT

    Penajaan kepada Pegawai Kumpulan Pengurusan dan Profesional di dalam skim perkhidmatan Pegawai Pendidikan Pengajian Tinggi (PPPT) Skim DH di Politeknik, Kolej Komuniti dan KPT sahaja bagi melanjutkan pengajian peringkat Sarjana dan Ph.D secara sepenuh masa di Institusi Pengajian Tinggi Awam. Program ini adalah bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kualiti tenaga pengajar Politeknik dan Kolej Komuniti.

    Maklumat Lanjut

  • Hadiah Latihan Persekutuan Staf Bukan Akademik

    Penajaan kepada pegawai-pegawai bukan akademik di UA Gred 41 dan ke atas bagi melanjutkan pengajian peringkat Sarjana dan Ph.D secara sepenuh masa di Institusi Pengajian Tinggi Awam. Program ini selaras dengan hasrat KPT untuk meningkatkan tahap profesionalisme pentadbir di UA.

    Maklumat Lanjut

Pra Perkhidmatan
  • MyBrain 2.0

    Program ini dibuka kepada orang awam tidak bekerja atau tidak
    berpendapatan tetap dan pensyarah-pensyarah Institusi Pendidikan
    Tinggi Swasta terpilih untuk melanjutkan pengajian di peringkat Ijazah
    Sarjana dan Ijazah Kedoktoran

    Maklumat Lanjut

  • MyBrain15 (MyMaster, MyPhD & MyPhD Industri)

    *Penawaran terakhir pada tahun 2016

    Maklumat Lanjut

  • MyBrainScience

    Penajaan kepada orang awam di peringkat ijazah pertama dan pasca ijazah dalam bidang sains tulen (matematik, fizik, kimia dan biologi) di dalam negara dan universiti terkemuka luar negara atau bertaraf ivy league. Program ini dilaksanakan bagi  menghasilkan saintis-saintis muda berjiwa besar dan menghasilkan cendikiawan bertaraf dunia / Nobel Laureate.

    Maklumat Lanjut

  • YBM Pengajian Tinggi – Atlet Cemerlang IPT

    Penajaan kepada atlet yang bergiat aktif dan cemerlang dalam sukan yang diiktiraf KPT/Majlis Sukan Negara (MSN) serta mempunyai potensi akademik yang baik untuk meneruskan pengajian di IPT. Program ini dilaksanakan bagi tujuan menggilap kecemerlangan atlet negara serta atlet pelapis yang berprestasi tinggi di IPT dan untuk memastikan atlet yang sedang mengikuti pengajian di IPT dapat meneruskan kecemerlangan di dalam bidang sukan dan akademik

    Maklumat Lanjut

  • YBM Pengajian Tinggi - Anugerah Tokoh Siswa

    Penajaan kepada pelajar yang menerima Anugerah Tokoh Siswa sebagai satu (1) galakan untuk meneruskan pengajian ke peringkat Sarjana. Program ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan akses kepada penerima Anugerah Tokoh Siswa untuk melanjutkan pengajian ke peringkat yang lebih tinggi dan menyediakan pelapis pemimpin pada masa hadapan.

  • YBM Pengajian Tinggi - Pelajar Cemerlang Politeknik

    Penajaan kepada pelajar Politeknik lulusan terbaik keseluruhan setiap sesi pengajian yang bergiat aktif dalam bidang kokurikulum. Program ini bertujuan menggalakkan lebih ramai pelajar cemerlang lepasan diploma dari Politeknik yang ditawarkan bagi melanjutkan pengajian di peringkat Ijazah Sarjana Muda di UA atau Politeknik dalam bidang TVET.

Bantuan Kewangan
  • Bantuan Kewangan Pelajar Kolej Komuniti (BKPKK)

    Bantuan Kewangan kepada pelajar yang mengikuti program di Kolej Komuniti bagi menyambung pengajian di peringkat sijil. Program ini bertujuan untuk membantu pelajar dari keluarga yang berpendapatan rendah melanjutkan pengajian di peringkat separa profesional yang akan dapat meningkatkan kemahiran hidup mereka dan membantu memperbaiki tahap sosio-ekonomi mereka dan keluarga.

  • Bantuan Kewangan Asasi (BKA)

    Penajaan kepada pelajar-pelajar yang mengikuti program Asasi di Universiti Awam dan 5 Politeknik yang terpilih. Pembiayaan bantuan kewangan ini adalah untuk pelajar golongan sasaran B40 dan M40.

    ---> Program Bantuan Kewangan Asasi UA

    ---> Program Bantuan Kewangan Asasi TVET

    ---> Semak Keputusan

  • Bantuan Kewangan OKU (BKOKU)

    Bantuan Kewangan kepada OKU yang berdaftar dengan JKM dan mempunyai kad OKU serta berkebolehan / berkemampuan untuk melanjutkan pelajaran ke peringkat tertinggi. Program ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan dan memperluaskan peluang pembelajaran sepanjang hayat kepada golongan OKU yang melanjutkan pengajian di UA, IPTS, Kolej Komuniti dan Politeknik di bawah seliaan KPT.

    Maklumat Lanjut

  • Program Pendidikan Khas (PPK)

    Bantuan kewangan kepada pelajar kelainan upaya yang mengikuti Program Kemahiran Khas secara sepenuh masa sahaja di Politeknik dan Kolej Komuniti terpilih sahaja. Pelajar kelainan upaya tersebut merupakan pelajar yang berdaftar di bawah JKM dan mempunyai kad pendaftaran OKU (OKU dalam kategori DE/DD iaitu pendengaran sahaja). Bantuan kewangan ini tidak mengambil kira taraf pendapatan keluarga sebagai syarat  kelayakan.

    Maklumat Lanjut

  • Malaysia International Scholarship (MIS)

    Penajaan kepada pelajar antarabangsa yang cemerlang di peringkat akademik dan juga ko-kurikulum. Program ini merupakan inisiatif Kerajaan bagi menarik pelajar dari seluruh negara di dunia bagi melanjutkan pengajian di peringkat pascasiswazah di Malaysia.

    Maklumat Lanjut


    Maklumat Lanjut


    Maklumat Lanjut


    Maklumat Lanjut


    Maklumat Lanjut


    Maklumat Lanjut

Bayaran Balik Tabung Pinjaman Pelajaran (TPP)

Tabung Pinjaman Pelajaran (TPP) Kementerian Pengajian Tinggi (KPT)

Kumpulan Wang Amanah Tabung Pusingan Pinjaman Pelajaran Persekutuan

Tabung Pinjaman Pelajaran (TPP) Kementerian Pengajian Tinggi (KPT) merupakan satu Kumpulan Wang Amanah Tabung Pusingan Pinjaman Pelajaran Persekutuan yang ditubuhkan di bawah Akta Kewangan 1957. Pinjaman ini diberikan kepada pelajar yang melanjutkan pengajian peringkat sijil di Politeknik dan Kolej Komuniti di bawah KPT.

Baca selanjutnya

Tuntutan Ganti Rugi Pecah Kontrak

Kumpulan Wang Amanah Tabung Pusingan Pinjaman Pelajaran Persekutuan

Satu perjanjian telah diwujudkan di antara pihak Kerajaan dengan pelajar tajaan KPT yang mengikat mereka untuk mematuhi syarat-syarat perjanjian yang telah ditandatangani. Kegagalan untuk mematuhi syarat-syarat yang dinyatakan dalam surat tawaran KPT dan dokumen ikatan perjanjian akan mengakibatkan pelajar dikenakan tuntutan ganti rugi. Tuntutan ganti rugi dikenakan ke atas pelajar yang gagal menamatkan pengajian dalam tempoh penajaan seperti yang ditetapkan.

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Sistem e-Penyata
  • Sistem Semakan Penyata

  • Sistem Semakan Penyata dan Bayaran Balik Pinjaman Pelajaran

Read more …Biasiswa

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  • Hits: 134604

Repayment of Education Loan (Tabung Pinjaman Pelajaran, TPP)


The Education Loan (TPP) offered by the Ministry of Higher Education (MOHE) is a Federal Education Revolving Loan Trust Fund established under the Financial Procedure Act 1957. The loan is given to students furthering their studies at certificate level in Polytechnics and Community Colleges under the Ministry. TPP borrowers are to repay the loan starting 6 months after completing their studies, or upon securing a job (whichever comes first). MOHE has stipulated a monthly repayment instalment of RM125, although  a monthly payment higher than the amount required is encouraged. Borrowers are to adhere strictly to the repayment schedule provided. Reminders will be issued should the borrowers fail to comply with the schedule. A loan repayment letter of claim will be sent to borrowers within 6 months of completing their studies. In cases where the borrowers have withdrawn from or failed their studies, the letter of claim shall be sent out immediately upon notification of the borrowers’ status by the Polytechnic/Community College concerned.

Online Statement / Balance Statement Review

Sistem Semakan Penyata

Balance Statement Letter

Borrowers may apply in writing through a letter/email/fax. The latest official balance statement will be issued within three (3) working days from the date of receipt of the application.

Loan Repayment

Payment methods:

Payment Procedure using Bank Islam Cash Deposit Machine

  1. Payment procedure:
    • Enter Borrower’s Identity Card (I/C) number
    • Select MOHE
    • Verify Borrower’s details and deposit the cash
    • Verify the amount of cash deposited
    • Transaction completed and Receipt issued
  2. Please keep the receipt as proof of payment.

BANK ISLAM (BIMBB) Internet Banking

To use this service, the borrower/contract defaulter has to open a BIMB internet banking account via Select "Payment/Services" >> Bill Presentment >> New IC Number >> Kementerian Pengajian Tinggi Malaysia


Payment through the website at


To use this service, the borrower/contract defaulter should register at


(Limited to Bank Islam ATM Card holders only)


(Limited to Bank Islam ATM Card holders only)

Payment through the ATM can only be made by the Bank Islam ATM card holders.

NOTE: Please state your IC number and email the proof of payment to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for the purposes of updating the ledger by the Ministry.

Overpayment Claims

Sistem Semakan Penyata

Application for TPP overpayment claims can be made by submitting the form and documents as follows :-

  • TPP Overpayment Claim Form (download form);
  • A copy of bank account details;
  • A copy of payslips for the last two (2) months (regardless of whether monthly salary deductions are made to MOHE)
Log Masuk Sistem

Notification display: Your ledger shows overpayment, for enquiries or

Update Loan Information/Status

If the borrower’s address has changed or the borrower has not received any letter of claim for repayment within six (6) months of completing studies, information can be updated by completing the update form (download form).

It is the responsibility of the borrower/guarantor/next-of-kin to immediately notify the Ministry in the case of the borrower’s death/disability/chronic illness to avoid a letter of reminder/non-compliance to repayment schedule being issued to the borrower. The notification can be made by completing the borrower’s death/disability/chronic illness notification form (download form).

  • Information Update Form;
  • TPP Borrower’s Death/Disability/Chronic Illness Notification Form.

The completed form can be emailed to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or mailed to the following address:

Seksyen Penguatkuasaan dan Kutipan Balik
Bahagian Biasiswa
Aras 2, No. 2, Menara 2, Jalan P5/6, Presint 5
62200 W.P. Putrajaya
Tel: 0388706000
Faks: 0388706839

Rescheduling of Loan Repayment

A borrower can be considered for a reduction in the monthly instalment rate of an education loan repayment in the following cases:

  • The borrower is a receiver of aids from Government agencies such as the Social Welfare Department (Jabatan Kebajikan Masyarakat, JKM), zakat or subsistence benefits such as Bantuan Sara Hidup (BSH); OR
  • The borrower is unemployed (as verified by the Ketua Kampung/ JKKK/ Penghulu); OR
  • The borrower's existing debt commitment has exceeded 60% of the monthly salary.


The borrower will have to complete a form,  with the following supporting documents attached:

  • The borrower’s Income Declaration Form (download form) verified by the Ketua Kampung/ JKKK or Penghulu attached to the application form (download form);
  • A copy of the borrower’s payslip (endorsed by the Employer, if employed);
  • An Instalment Reduction Appeal Letter (please provide strong justifications); and
  • Other supporting documents (e.g. recipient account for BR1M/BSH/zakat/e-KASIH etc.)

Application for Payment Settlement Confirmation

The borrower may apply in writing for the Payment Settlement Confirmation via letter/email/fax to be issued accordingly by submitting the following:

  • The borrower’s full name;
  • Identity card (IC) number (as in the contract);
  • Telephone number;
  • Postal address.
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  • Hits: 72633

Claims for Breach of Contract

An agreement is established between the Government and students sponsored by MOHE which binds them to comply with the terms of the signed agreement. This is a mechanism  enforced  by MOHE to ensure that the contracted students comply with the agreement to complete their studies within the sponsorship period, and contribute to the country forthwith. In this regard, sponsored students pursuing studies at institutions of higher learning must complete their studies within the approved sponsorship period and serve the Government in compliance with the agreement in force.

Failure to comply with the conditions stated in the offer letter from MOHE and the contract document will result in a student being subject to a claim for damages. Claims for damages are imposed on students who fail to complete their studies within the stipulated sponsorship period. The amount of compensation imposed is between RM120,000 to RM160,000 for studies in local institutions, and the actual cost of expenses incurred by the Government for studies abroad.

Balance Statement Letter

The contract defaulter may apply in writing for a Balance Statement Letter through a letter/email/fax. The latest official statement of the balance of compensation will be issued within three (3) working days from the date of receipt of the application.

Loan Repayment

Payment methods:

Payment Procedure Using Bank Islam Cash Deposit Machine

  1. Payment procedure:
    • Enter Student’s Identity Card (I/C) number
    • Select MOHE
    • Verify Borrower’s details and deposit the cash
    • Verify the amount of cash deposited
    • Transaction completed and Receipt issued
  2. Please keep the receipt as proof of payment.

BANK ISLAM (BIMBB) Internet Banking

To use this service, the borrower/contract defaulter has to open a BIMB internet banking account via Select "Payment/Services" >> Bill Presentment >> New IC Number >> Kementerian Pengajian Tinggi Malaysia


Payment through the website at


(terhad kepada pemegang kad ATM Bank Islam sahaja)


(Limited to Bank Islam ATM Card holders only)

Payment through the ATM can only be made by Bank Islam ATM card holders.

NOTE: Please state your IC number and email the proof of payment to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for the purposes of updating the ledger by the Ministry.

Claims for Overpayment of Compensation/ Overpaid Allowance (Elaun Terlebih Bayar, ETB)

Sistem Semakan Penyata

Application for compensation overpayment claims/ETB can be made by submitting the form and documents as follows:

  • Compensation  Overpayment Claim Form /ETB (download form);
  • A copy of bank account details
  • A copy of payslips for the last two (2) months (regardless of whether monthly salary deductions are made to MOHE)

Log Masuk Sistem

Notification display: Your ledger shows overpayment.

Update Contract Defaulter’s Information/Status

If the borrower’s address has changed or the borrower has not received any letter of claim for repayment within six (6) months of completing studies, the borrower’s information can be updated by completing the update form (download form).

It is the responsibility of the borrower/guarantor/next-of-kin to immediately notify the Ministry in the case of the borrower’s death/disability/chronic illness to avoid a letter of reminder/non-compliance to repayment schedule being issued to the borrower. The notification can be made by completing the borrower’s death/disability/chronic illness notification form (download form).

  • Information Update Form;
  • TPP Borrower’s Death/Disability/Chronic Illness Notification Form.

The completed form can be emailed to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or mailed to the following address:

Seksyen Penguatkuasaan dan Kutipan Balik
Bahagian Biasiswa
Aras 2, No. 2, Menara 2, Jalan P5/6, Presint 5
62200 W.P. Putrajaya
Tel: 0388706000
Faks: 0388706839

Postponement / Rescheduling of Loan Repayment

A contract defaulter may be considered for postponement of compensation payment/service period/rescheduling of instalment in the following cases:

  • Having critical health issues but with a view to recovery
  • Pursuing studies to a higher level (with confirmation letter from university/institution concerned)
  • Still unemployed

Application for Payment Settlement Confirmation

The contract defaulter may apply in writing for the Payment Settlement Confirmation via letter/email/fax to be issued accordingly by submitting the following:

  • The borrower’s full name;
  • Identity card (IC) number (as in the contract);
  • Telephone number;
  • Postal address.
  • Last updated on .
  • Hits: 22532
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Last Modified: Friday 07 February 2025, 10:01:10.
